Questions & Answers

Do I need an AVB switch?

0 votes
asked Mar 3, 2017 in StudioLive CS18Ai by glennthayer (200 points)
I have an RML32AI mixer and want to buy a CS18AI controller.  The salesman is pushing me to buy an AVB Switch.

Do I really need this or is the salesman just trying to upsell?



2 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 3, 2017 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
If you want to use the CS18AI only as controller in a direct ethernet connection, you don't need an AVB switch. If you want to use its I/O (microphone & line inputs, headphones) and if you want remote control (iPad), there is no way around an AVB switch. There is nothing else to buy than this expensive MOTU switch. Feel invited to read more about CS and RML in the forums. If you have a question, ask the experts who work with the equipment... ;-)
–1 vote
answered Mar 13, 2017 by DBreggin (1,310 points)
iPad does not require AVB switch to work. It only needs a wireless router.

AVB is only required to pass sound between the CS18AI and the RM.

Bridging RMs requires an AVB switch.