Questions & Answers

Does AVB work with RM32AI / CS18AI and allow you to hear through CS18ai and record through AVB switch

+1 vote
asked Sep 26, 2018 in StudioLive CS18Ai by Chris S (160 points)
I am finally able to purchase an AVB switch to complete my RM32AI CS18AI setup , I have been able to record off of my RM through a firewire into my mac, but would like to go through the AVB switch to keep it closer to the CS and also hear the mix in a different room through the CS18AI headphone or monitor outputs. Does this work as it was supposed to when I first bought the set up, I'm starting to hear scuttle that it won't , so now I'm confused, Can people chime in and give me the skinny, I also read that my units are going obsolete, this seems a bit early. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

3 Answers

0 votes
+2 votes
answered Oct 9, 2018 by johnandersen (2,220 points)
Hi Chris, I just recently was asking that same question regarding using the CS18 Headphone/Monitor outs when it’s not connected to the RM via a Direct Ethernet cable.

The answer was to use either a MOTO switch or the new PreSonus SW5E AVB where you can carry the Audio as well as operate wireless for iPads etc.

Just a side note: the headphone out off the RM works as well without but would obviously depend on your distance ✌️

As far as service, we have been assure that PreSonus will continue to service the RM32/CS18 but we have all been left in a tuff situation in regards to correcting so many of the current issues.  Widely reported the latest Firmware has created more problems than solved and now many of us are having issues with the UC Surface update as well.

To my knowledge the RMs & CS18s are no longer produced with all focus on the Series lll.  

The link that Alex added in his response pretty much says why ..... “No Chip, No Dip”........  There are many of us very unhappy about the situation.

Best of luck, John
+1 vote
answered Apr 1, 2019 by donntarris1 (3,090 points)
Hello John and Chris,

A recent comment by a Presonus rep suggests that work is continuing on allowing a CS18AI to work as a MCU/HUI controller for other software via MIDI. That will at least increase the use and value of our investments in that piece of gear.

It seems that we are caught in a catch 22 with the series II StudioLive gear. If Presonus had exercised more oversight on the supply of the chipset so that they could have diverted development in house or to another developer, it would have protected our mutual investment. Arguably the decision to halt development of the Series II may have been quite strongly affected by the problem associated with chipset development and IF there had been no problem then perhaps the Series II would not have become "obsolete" so soon. If the RM and CS products were able to be brought up to 1722.1AVB standards as well as including the promised MCU/HUI control surface compatibility, the CS18AI in particular would have been an extremely popular controller that would have satisfied many Mac users with project studios as it would offer a simple 4 in 2 out audio interface with complete control for any DAW, simply with connection via a CAT5e or CAT6 cable between.

Is there a specific CS18AI users group in existence? Presonus already knows how many devices were sold and registered, it would be beneficial if they would reach out to see what owners would like to see, specifically and unassociated with the RM mixers.