MacBook Pro 15' with MacOS Sierra 10.12.3
Capture 2.3
UC 2.0
CS18 AI with FV 1.0.9203
RM32 with FV: 1.0.9244
I am using capture for the first time in preparation for recording a live band. I have my MacBook connected via firewire to thunderbolt adaptor to the RM32. My CS18 and RM32 are connected via network and everything seems to be talking to each other (UC Surface to console, MacBook, and RM, Capture to console and MacBook, etc.). I am running both UC Surface and Capture on the same macbook for now. This will probable change during the show due to location of the RM32, in which case I will use two separate macbooks.
Anywho, I need help being able to listen to Capture playback once I have created a recording. I am able to listen to the recording on my MacBook once I have exported it to an audio/wav file BUT I'd like to be able to listen to Capture playback before exporting the files. How can I go about doing this on either the RM32 or the CS18AI?
I have looked extensively in the helpful articles provided and I found one in particular that may have been helpful but to be honest, I wasn't sure if that was the exact answer I was looking for. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!