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Possible to share audio playback from Capture through StudioLive 16.4.2 (FireWire) during Zoom Video Conference?

0 votes
asked Mar 30, 2020 in Capture for StudioLive by twheasley (200 points)


I'd like to be able to route audio from Capture into a Zoom video conferencing session, using my StudioLive as the audio interface.

When selecting the SL as the input device ("microphone") in Zoom, physical inputs do pass audio into Zoom (e.g. a mic plugged into any channel on the SL). The input signal seems to be tapped just after the preamp, as the audio shows up in Zoom regardless of fader level, bus assignment, or even whether or not FireWire is selected as the input on the channel.

With the SL selected as the output device ("speaker") in Zoom, audio from other users on the call, system sounds, etc., all seem to appear on channels 1 & 2 in the SL as long as the FW buttons are engaged on those channels. This works just fine, although it would be nice to be able to route that incoming audio to the 2 Track (FW) input.

More importantly, I'm hoping to send audio from Capture through the SL (using the FW input selection on each channel) with the ability to adjust dynamics, EQ, levels, and then into Zoom. Essentially, I'd like to be able to send the Main mix from the SL into Zoom, post-everything. Capture is working just as it should, and I'm able to select FW inputs, virtually soundcheck, and hear the results in the SL. However, only physical inputs (not FW inputs) show up in Zoom.

In case this is important: Zoom seems to install an audio device called ZoomAudioDevice with 2 ins and 2 outs. I believe this somehow enables you to pass audio from shared screens (e.g. a YouTube video) into Zoom when you tick the "Share computer sound" box. To be clear, I'm not just trying to route audio from one application to another. I'm trying to get out of the box to mix on the SL and send the "mix down" back into Zoom.

Additional info:

  • MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2010)
  • MacOS Sierra 10.12.6 (16G2136)
  • Capture (same results with Capture 2 before I updated)
  • StudioLive 16.4.2, Firmware 1.50a, Build:190
  • Universal Control v1.7.6.5875 (Driver 5875)
  • Zoom Version: 4.6.8 (19178.0323)
Thanks in advance for any advice!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 14, 2020 by twheasley (200 points)

After some trial and error and a little more research, I was able to make this work. Props to Ray Ortega for the solving the issue. Here's a link to the relevant video: 

Although his video is focused on Skype, the concept is the same. In a nutshell, here's how it works:

  1. Download and install Soundflower
  2. Download and install LadioCast (Mac)
  3. Launch LadioCast
    1. Select PreSonus FireStudio as Input 1
      1. Select channel 17 and 18 as the L and R inputs
      2. Assign to Main
    2. Select Soundflower (2ch) as the Main Output
  4. Launch Zoom
    1. Open Preferences...
    2. Under the Audio tab select PreSonus FireStudio as the Speaker
    3. Select Soundflower (2ch) as the Microphone
So essentially, LadioCast will route the main mix of the StudioLive (channels 17-18) to Soundflower, which you can then select as your input ("microphone") in Zoom. By default, audio output from Zoom ("speakers") will show up on channels 1-2 on the PreSonus. Keep in mind, the firewire button must be engaged on those channels. Ideally, I'd like to redirect that to the 2-track input (17-18), but I haven't figured out how to do that yet. Initial experiments using LadioCast to do this just created feedback loops.
With this setup, you can use Capture to do a virtual soundcheck or mix any combination of live and FW inputs, process them in the SL, and the main mix can be routed to Zoom. Just what I was looking for.
I hope this info helps someone, and again, thanks to Ray Ortega for sharing his setup!