Questions & Answers

What happened to the console scene remote?

+2 votes
asked Mar 17, 2017 in Studio One 3 by mauroiuliano (3,690 points)
In version 2 by clicking on the remote key in the console scene section you could choose the console scene to apply to the remote controller (very useful).

Since version 3 the only thing that happens once it is hit is that all the created scenes disappear making it completely useless. There is something I'm missing?


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 18, 2017 by gadget69 (31,130 points)
Hi, I'd like you to go to your "My Presonus" account and make sure you have all your Presonus hardware and software registered...Please then make sure your on the latest drivers and software in your account for your products. I also recommend that you start a tech service ticket in the event we can't get you sorted here.

The above will be necessary to provide any further help...