Questions & Answers

Mapping 8 separate outputs from Studio 192 on a iMac (Late 2015)

0 votes
asked Mar 24, 2017 in AudioBox USB by antoniorussek (170 points)
I know how to assign and map the 8 analog outs on Studio 192 in all apps I use most, in fact I have been doing it successfully with Studio 192 connected to a iMac (late 2013) or a MacBook (late 2008)...but I can't get same results with Studio 192 connected to a iMac (late 2015): with this machine the Studio 192 analog outs do not respond to the mapping and assignments made on the application, only two of eight outs are active regardless the assignments.

1 Answer

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answered Mar 24, 2017 by AlexTinsley (925,350 points)
Make sure that in Universal Control, make sure Mixer ByPass is enabled. Studio One should do this automatically.

If you're not using Studio One, then you absolutely must set the control panel to Mixer Bypass so UC does not route audio to a stereo bus.

When you enable Mixer Bypass, then you have access to freely assign all the outputs at will using your DAW.