Questions & Answers

Quantum 26x32 Thunderbolt 2 Audio Interface for Late 2013 iMac

0 votes
asked Nov 20, 2019 in Thunderbolt - Quantum by edwardfenley (120 points)
I figured this would be the best place to ask this question. I didn't see this exact question asked/answered yet. I have a Late 2013 27" iMac and I want to move on from my Focusrite Clarrett 4 Pre. My iMac has Thunderbolt 1 and I am looking at the PreSonus Quantum 26x32 Thunderbolt 2 Audio Interface.

It's Thunderbolt 2 obviously. I know it's backwards compatible with 1. Just curious to see if anyone can tell if this will work and work well, or if anyone has any experience with this same exact set up..

My iMac is an i7, Mojave OS, 32gb of Ram and all drives are SSD.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 27, 2019 by fabriziodicicco (140 points)
Hi there, I have an I mac late 2013 27" as well I purchased the quantum 2 interface and it works perfectly.

I hope this help