Questions & Answers

Please add support for Dual Xeon processors in Notion 6, or at least a workaround that will let me run it in Windows 7

+4 votes
asked Apr 4, 2017 in Notion by cwelling (270 points)
Please add support for Dual Xeon processors in Notion 6, or at least a workaround that will let me run it in Windows 7

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Apr 13, 2017 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
Best answer
Notion 6 is already supported on Windows 7 SP1 x64 / x86.

Make sure you have run ALL of your system updates. Notion is built on the latest development libraries. Not having all your updates installed may create a situation where the application may not start or run correctly. At a minimum you should start with the Windows 7 SP1 Platform update, while this article is for Studio One 3, it also applies to Notion 6.
+1 vote
answered Apr 5, 2017 by wcreed (1,420 points)
You should file a support ticket for this; not likely you'll get a fast response as a feature request!
0 votes
answered Apr 15, 2019 by annaulanowicz (490 points)
Dual Xeon? It doesn't work even on single one. I just upgraded from i7 six cores to a Xeon 12 cores and bang... - Notion doesn't start... It looks so amateurish... as a toy not program for serious work. I have to warn ppl from fb' composers groups I'm in.
0 votes
answered Sep 2, 2019 by theofilosmitrentsis (310 points)
Fun fact:

My HPz820 (dual-xeon 2687w v2) runs perfectly with MacOs High Sierra (as a Hackintosh with all cores and HT enabled) and Notion runs just fine on MacOS.