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Drag and drop samples from timeline to 3d party samplers

+22 votes
asked Apr 25, 2017 in Studio One Feature Requests by stannavi (1,030 points)
edited Apr 26, 2017 by stannavi

Good day! 

I would want to ask you to make possible drag and drop samples or any audio information from timeline to 3d party samplers/plugins.

Now it is only possible to drag and drop samples from timeline to Impact or Sample One native samplers. 

I would want to drag and drop to such samplers/plugins as Izotoe Iris 2, Izotope Breaktweaker, NI Battery 4, NI Maschine 2.

For 3d party samplers i need to export it in browser, than from browser to 3d party sampler. It is not that fast, especially if i want just to try different samples quickly. It is very essential for sound design.

Thank you!

4 Answers

0 votes
answered May 22, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,530 points)
Best answer

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0 votes
answered Apr 26, 2017 by niles (54,670 points)
Maybe it's a good idea to write up exactly which sample players you are referring to. Since it is possible to drag and drop audio regions directly from the arrangement to 3rd party sample players that support VST-XML regions like Halion, Groove Agent, Falcon, Morgana etc.

VST-XML regions are very powerful, especially when you want to save time because the regional data from the timeline stays intact when dragging a sample to a sample player.
+1 vote
answered Sep 26, 2019 by justinstewart3 (1,080 points)
Yes please. This is one of several features that is making me regret picking up Studio One. Basic workflow stuff like drag and drop to Kontakt(arguably the most popular software sampler in existence) is something most probably just expect at this stage.
0 votes
answered Oct 2, 2021 by timwheelock (380 points)
Serato Sample and Toontrack are two that I would like to allow samples to be dropped in. It works in Cubase, so it must be possible to add to Studio One without VST-XML code from the plugin maker. As noted below, Groove Agent does work with drop in samples from the Studio One arrangement view.