Questions & Answers

How to update track using old Melodyne Singletrack to use Melodyne Essential

0 votes
asked Apr 27, 2017 in Studio One 3 by guitarism (590 points)

I have an old ongoing project that used the earlier version of Melodyne - Single Track (the version that was included with Studio One a few years back). The computer I did the project on died. The project was saved on an external drive.  

However, when I open the project in the current Studio One 3, which has the newer Melodyne Essentials installed, a missing devices error message is displayed when loading one of the songs: DevicePort: Melodyne singletrack Used by: Melodyne singletrack.

Note: I posted this same question to the forum before but it's been over 2 months with no responses :(

How can I get the track to use the current version of Melodyne without losing my old Melodyne Edits?

2 Answers

–1 vote
answered May 19, 2017 by lawrencefarr (221,510 points)

Given that those are apparently two different plugin products we don't believe that is possible, to have plugin B replace a missing instance of plugin A and also recreate and continue it's processing.  Having said that, the final authority on that would be Celemony.  If there is any possible way to do that they would probably know.
0 votes
answered May 22, 2017 by guitarism (590 points)
It seems to me that , since these are the versions that were included as an integrated part of Studio One, it's safe to assume that a certain number of users would be using the version that was current before the upgrade and want to be able to continue using it in their project after upgrading.  This is not a 3rd-party plugin bought separately from Studio One.  If an automatic conversion could not be supported, Studio One should at least have provided steps to bounce or render the affected events before completing the Studio One update.  If you can't properly support updates, you shouldn't integrate it into your product.