Questions & Answers

Correct mic setting for X-Y pair; mono or stereo?

0 votes
asked May 3, 2017 in Studio One 3 by scottharding2 (130 points)
Using FireStudio Mobile and S1v3 and a pair of small condenser mics for a large brass ensemble - recently recorded a concert and somehow the pre-set for the "Song" had a check box checked for "Mic 1 + Mic 2", that I missed, along with Input 1 as Mic 1 and Input 2 as Mic 2, so the recording is not so good because there was no distinction between right and left.

I figured out how to get just the two inputs I need, but what should the mics be set as for Input 1 and Input 2?  Mono each, or Stereo each?



1 Answer

+1 vote
answered May 19, 2017 by redbird (1,830 points)

When you click on new track, be sure to change the "Format" to stereo (Seen in photo). Make sure under inputs, "Inputs 1 and 2" or something like that is selected. I hope this helps, and if you have any further issues let me know.
