Questions & Answers

keyboard shortcuts stop working

+1 vote
asked Jun 1, 2017 in Studio One 3 by menivarsano (160 points)
I start the session and everything works normally, but then at some point most keyboard shortcuts stop working (I can still play/stop with space bar or go to start with (.)

I've had it since day one, and updating to 3.5 did not change it. the keyboard works fine with all other applications.



2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 8, 2017 by Jamesrhone1 (200,340 points)
Best answer

Sorry to hear about the recent issues you have been experiencing.

Please reset your Studio One settings, and test the issue again. 

1.  Go to Help>Open Settings folder. 

2.  Copy the contents of the folder over to a folder on your desktop. 

3.  Close S1 and delete the contents of the settings folder with the exception of the user.license file as well as the "Extensions" folder. 

4.  Open S1 and go to Studio One>Options (Preferences on a Mac) to reconfigure your settings. 

5.  Test to see if the problem is resolved.  If it is not, please feel free to copy your settings files back over from the backup that you created in step 2.  

*If you are missing presets or Sound Sets after doing this, simply double-click one of your Sound Sets under Documents>Studio One>Sound Sets.

If this issue remains, please create a support ticket so we can investigate this issue further. 

+2 votes
answered Jan 16, 2019 by ihsankurdi (180 points)
Hey there, I recently experienced the same problem and realised that the problem was due to changing the language on my keyboard (Alt +Shift). Once I reverted to my default keyboard (English), shortcuts worked perfectly again... Hope this helps.