Questions & Answers

Missing S1 commands from Keyboard Shortcuts Menu

+1 vote
asked Oct 28, 2022 in Editing by princeagrawal (13,780 points)
edited Dec 16, 2022 by princeagrawal
Recently I have been trying to assign keyboard shortcuts to the following commands in Studio One, but have found that these commands do not show up in the keyboard shortcuts menu. Please add them to the menu :

1. Show Track Icons (Show Channel Icons exists, but this does not)

2. Show Track Notes (Show channel notes exists, but this does not)

3. Open Sound Variations Editor

4. View > Channel List (View > Track List exists, but this does not)

5. Add BUS channel for folder

6. Add VCA channel for folder

7. View > Open Video Track

8. View > Open Lyrics Track (View > Open commands do however exist for chord, arranger, tempo, marker, signature & ruler tracks)

9. Toggle Scale On/Off, inside the MIDI editor.

10. Automation follows Events.

11. Locate when clicked in Empty Space.

12. Fade In and Fade out commands for events.

13. Zoom Full Vertically

14. Zoom to Selection Vertically

15. Deselect Track/Channel

16. Rename Track

Please add the above commands, so that we can assign them hotkeys and use them to build our own macros.

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