Questions & Answers

no voice hearing through headphones with Audiobox USB and Gargeband

0 votes
asked Jun 14, 2017 in AudioBox USB by ellenmarree (280 points)
Hello sorry to bother you, but I tried to find the answer in the presonus frequent problems, but I can't find my answer.

I recorded in garageband, I can hear it through headphones only when I plug in through mac headphones plugin, I can hear the music playback

But I can't hear my voice in the headphones when I want to record a new track.

If I connect the headphones in the audiobox, I can hear my voice in through the headphones but not the music that is already recorded in garageband.

I use: iMac - OS sierra version 10.12.5

audioBox 22VSL

mic samson condenser


Kind regards


2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 22, 2017 by Jamesrhone1 (200,340 points)
Best answer
Sorry to hear about the recent issues you have been experiencing. Please install Universal Control 2.1 for OS X. Then test again.

Here is the driver for the AudioBox 22VSL:

If you are still having issues, please submit a ticket to technical support.
0 votes
answered Jun 26, 2017 by jaysays (190 points)
There are several things that may be impacting the problem outside the driver. I don't use Garageband, but make sure your audio out is routed to the Audiobox via the DAW.

Also, and this is a simple thing that could be overlooked, check the "mixer" knob on your AudioBox and see if it's turned all the way left or right - you may be hearing input only and not playback if it's all the way left.  (I once forgot to turn my 48V phantom power on and spent over an hour trying to figure out why my mic stopped working - lol).