Questions & Answers

Studio one 3 artist version he is not findy my vst plug map

+1 vote
asked Oct 18, 2015 in Studio One 3 by dennyouwerkerk (160 points)
Studio one 3 artist version he is not findy my vst plug map when i add it to the instrument library

i upgrade from a demo


grz denny

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 19, 2015 by ghasenbeck (355,490 points)
Best answer
Third Party VST integration is not supported with Studio One Artist. In order to be able to utilize additional plugins, you would need to either upgrade to Studio One 3 Professional or upgrade your Artist version by purchasing the VST/ReWire Add-On; which allows for the use of additional non-bundled Third Party VSTs as well as adding ReWire Support in Artist

--> IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Here is a Studio One 3 Version chart breakdown of what features are included in each version of Studio One 3. It is VERY important that you read this article so you understand the limitations of EACH version of Studio One 3:

You can purchase the Upgrade or Add-On here:


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