Questions & Answers

Map tempo onto marker

+2 votes
asked Jun 27, 2017 in Studio One 3 by dennisschwachhofer (1,280 points)
Hi, I was working with ProTools over the last years, working with huge midi arrangements with or without score.

Currently I'm trying out my 30 days demo version of studio one and am absolutely enthusiastic for its quick and easy workflow. For just writing music it is great but for scoring I am not that convinced yet.

I have searched for some time now for a good workflow to sync the tempos and tempochanges of my midi arrangement to to the movie. In Protools I just set my hitpoints/markers where I wanted and then I could assign bars/beats to them. What was very great was the fact that those beatassignements were some kind of fixed, so if changed one of the tempos in front of it, my hitpoint would still be in sync.

So I'm wondering if there some hidden feature in Studio one for this task, or do you have to assign all tempo changes manually to the right location by zooming in and trying to get as close to the marker as possible.


1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jun 27, 2017 by lawrencefarr (221,510 points)
selected Jun 28, 2017 by butchrichard
Best answer
Hi Dennis,

Studio One doesn't have that feature at the moment.  If this is a valuable tool in Pro Tools that former Pro Tools users might benefit from, consider making a feature request here:

Before making the request, please search to make sure that it doesn't exist there first to avoid duplicate requests. If you make the request be as descriptive as possible and if there is already a YouTube video showing it in use, put that in your request so that the developers can see it.