Questions & Answers

Do I need a new laptop?

0 votes
asked Jun 29, 2017 in Studio One 3 by krashkarma (250 points)
I am already at the highest buffer size. How can I find out if connecting another monitor will cause this? I would not have bought this computer if that was the case!
related to an answer for: CPU spikes when using two screens

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 30, 2017 by TechSupport77 (195,990 points)
Best answer
If you are using an external graphics card, the built-in monitor on your laptop is still using the integrated graphics card that is built into your motherboard.  Introducing another graphics card may be too much of a drain on your system.  It is also possible that you are running a 5400 rpm hard drive in that machine, which is too slow for audio editing.  You will want to use a 7200 rpm hard drive or SSD drive when working with audio.  If you would like for PreSonus to take a look at your system, please submit a support ticket at  Once you log in, just click on "Support" to submit a ticket.  Please make sure that you send us the .nfo file that is requested when you submit your ticket.  You will be emailed instructions upon submitting the ticket.