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FEATURE REQ: need the ability to define virtual parts

+5 votes
asked Jul 4, 2017 in Notion Feature Requests by lorenjerickson (1,170 points)
We really, really need Notion 6 to implement the ability to define a virtual part that is the combination of a set of parts from a larger score.  The main use case for me is that when writing large-scale choral/orchestral music I need the ability to treat all the choral voices as a single "part" both when focusing on them while writing music, printing as a single part, etc.  I can see this being immediately useful in other contexts as well, such as aggregating all the French Horns into a single virtual parts (still with 2 or 4 staves), etc.  In conjunction with this, when I print parts I would expect all the existing output configuration to be applied to the virtual parts as well, especially thinks like multi-measure rests.  This is super aggravating when dealing with choral/orchestral compositions.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 8, 2017 by Skip Jones (166,970 points)
selected Jun 18, 2018 by AlexTinsley
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

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0 votes
answered Sep 4, 2018 by lorenjerickson (1,170 points)

I need to that it might not be obvious why this so critical.  In fact, it might be considered a bug if Notion is to be of any use in publishing complex scores that mix choral and instrumental parts.  I write primarily orchestral/choral works.  These are typically published for print in three formats: a conductor's score, a set of instrumental parts, and a choral score.  Notion works great for the first two, but is completely useless for the latter (at least in this use case).  I have never seen a choral score published as separate vocal parts (which Notion will do nicely).  A choral score is always published with all choral parts showing in the same document.  At the same time when the choir is not singing all resting staves are combined across all parts with multi-measure rests.  Notion does not support this kind of publishing in any way that I can find.  I can't even extract the choral parts into a separate score and publish that because it leaves vast swaths of empty measures where the orchestra is playing.  I have a hard time believing that only four of us have run into this.  
