Questions & Answers

Capture not working with Windows 10 + Apple Thunderbolt Adapter

0 votes
asked Jul 9, 2017 in Ai Mixers by ronnyyoung (320 points)

I have a new laptop that is ThunderBolt 3, connecting to our 32.4.2ai with an official Apple Thunderbolt to Firewire adapter. I was able to connect to Universal Control no problem, but Capture would not recognize any Firewire device connected. Has anyone else experienced this? UC seems to be absolutely fine, but Capture is not working.

Perhaps a driver issue? Do I need to get a Thunderbolt 3 to Thunderbolt 2 adapter and then connect my Thunderbolt to Firewire adapter?

Sorry if this is a duplicate question, I thought I had read something months ago about rolling back which version of Capture I should be using... but couldn't find that post again.

Thanks in advance!

Ronny Young

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jul 10, 2017 by AlexTinsley (925,570 points)
selected Jul 10, 2017 by ronnyyoung
Best answer

The reason is that the computer you are using does not see the Apple Thunderbolt 3 to Thunderbolt 2 adapter. You must use the StarTech Adapter instead. In our tests we found that while the Apple TB3 / TB2 adapter is less expensive than the StarTech Adapter, it did not work on Dell Laptops and some ASUS motherboards, where the StarTech Adapter worked every time. 

We expect to see this question coming up a lot. 

  • StarTech TB3 to TB2 Adapter for Windows systems
  • Apple TB3 to TB2 Adapter for Apple Mac systems
+1 vote
answered Jul 10, 2017 by ronnyyoung (320 points)


Thanks for the answer. (This may not be the best way to respond to your answer, but I didn't see any other option.) All of the research I've done comes to the same conclusion, that I need to buy the StarTech adapter. But can you help explain why Universal Control seems to work fine with only the Apple Thunderbolt 2 to Firewire adapter?


