Questions & Answers

Studio One Crashes after plugin install

0 votes
asked Jul 9, 2017 in Studio One 3 by garyworley (150 points)
I got the 14 day free trial of Vocalign Pr. I already own the license for Vocalign project. I installed the trial on my iLk and went to open it in studio one. It asked for the activation code. I put it in and it said the code had already been redeemed. I was able to open my VSTs and dragged and dropped from there. I closed out studio one and restarted. Now it is crashing during opening and stating that it is ignoring echoboy and tremalator because it crashed before. I have the rainbow wheel and so I am unable to do anything but force quit. I'm running a 2016 iMac. Any idea what to do would be greatly appreciated.

1 Answer

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answered Jul 11, 2017 by TechSupport77 (195,990 points)
Best answer
You will want to go into Macintosh HD/Library/Audio/plug-ins/VST and VST3 and remove any instances of the Vocalign Demo that you may have installed, should this be the problem.  If you need to, you can move all of your plug-ins into a VST and VST3 folder on your desktop, that you create, so that your VST and VST3 folders under "Plug-ins" are empty.  Once you open Studio One successfully, you can go into Studio One>Preferences>Locations>VST plug-ins and press the "Reset Blacklist" button.  You an then add your plug-ins back a few at a time until you identify the one that is causing the issue.  You will then want to contact the manufacturer of that plug-in for assistance.