Questions & Answers

Composition and String instruments

0 votes
asked Jul 11, 2017 in Notion by charlesamstutz (470 points)

I understand that when someone says "A cello tuning is a 5th apart" means that the strings are a tuned a 5th apart.  However, I'm trying to wrap my mind around what this means when applied to composition.  I am not a string player and was looking for some direction on this as the cello can obviously play each note in their range. (This would be the same for any stringed instrument.)

Any resource would be great too.


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 11, 2017 by TechSupport77 (195,990 points)
Best answer
When composing for the cello, you do not need to be so concerned about the tuning of the instrument.  If you are using Notion, you really just need to pay attention to the clef.  The cello is written using the bass clef.  Here is a link to a 3rd-party resource that you might find helpful in composing for the cello.