Questions & Answers

Studio One to be able to generate an on-going "report" page to be referred to during composition.

+1 vote
asked Nov 5, 2021 in Look and Feel by rohanwalker (920 points)
Studio One To Generate a printable worksheet of tracks and event inclusions with bar-line numbers for reference. Perhaps a spreadsheet automatically generated which would list instruments, bar-line numbers of events Mixer channels VST instruments preset numbers etc. Also include Title page showing composer, contributors, musicians, dates of work etc, for presentations as a “Financial Submission Report Document. This would give a printed visual reference guide as to what is going on with each individual composition on a track by track and daily basis. So that others are more aware.

Most certainly in the case where a consultative producer is involved who is not “hands on” with the production process. Such a worksheet could provide a running daily progress report. Such a report can be drafted by an engineer now, but it would take hours of precious time to do so from scratch certainly. Indeed, some of this data is available on the “title page’ of the composition already, but there is certainly track and performance information already built into Studio One software which cannot be seen on a printed report, but could be referenced by the software and printed to “Landscape paper” accordingly.

Such reporting would place a reference page on the lap of the audio engineer, where he can refer to specific aspects and events  of the composition process clearly and quickly, and could be outlined specifically to adhere to his personal preferences of what he needs to see at a glance.

Also additional options to list SMPTE timecode points of events so that reference can be made for “Filmic events” in conjunction with Slideshows, and audio-visual media production. Provide a “Print Inclusion Options” dialogue, and allow the engineer/composer to specify choices of content such as track, event, bar-line, timecode points all in the summative document.

Such reports were imperative for multi-track tape recording engineers in the early days.

Reference sheets and progress reporting is imperative for financial and production clarity especially when there are numerous studio performing musicians, or indeed several recording engineers involved in the same project.

Noe: this data should certainly be included on the “Show Page” but also needs to be available in the “Song page” with a “click print” so that the previously selected inclusions in the reporting can be quickly and clearly printed when a sufficient number of micro changes to the composition have been made.

In this way performing musicians, engineers, composers, financial backers, producers, listeners can have a running reference to the production process as it unfolds.

Such reporting could also be printed, and "signed" by all parties involved, then archived for future reference, proof of work done, studio production operation reporting, insurance regarding "proof of copyright ownership" etc.

 or shared on cloud, so that others may study the production process as it unfolds during and post production of a song, album, or film.