Questions & Answers

how can i control pro tools with the presonus 16.0.2?

0 votes
asked Oct 28, 2015 in FireStudio Series by paulbruno (360 points)
I connected everything fine. Pro tools is reading the 16.0.2   but I am having trouble controlling the faders with the mixer. How can i control the faders in pro tools with the 16.0.2

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Oct 29, 2015 by abrand2 (32,110 points)
Best answer

The 16.0.2 mixer is a Audio Input/Output interface, which can record and listen to firewire streams from any Core Audio compliant or WDM/ASIO compliant software.

The device has communication and control to VSL Software but the mixer cannot control your DAW software.  The 16.0.2 is not a control surface in this regard.

To learn more about the StudioLive 16.0.2 and it's features and what is capable, see the link below:
