Questions & Answers

Please update the application QMix

+1 vote
asked Jul 19, 2017 in UC Surface / Qmix by salvatoreesposito (210 points)
I want to ask you since in September there will be update to iOS 11 and only 64 bit applications will be supported if you kindly could release an update for the QMix app (of the studio live 1 series) and maybe fix some bugs from the moment that there are many and if you want to exaggerate to increase the video resolution of the app and make it available for android OS.
Would be really great!!!!!

I leave you the link of the application I'm talking about

I hope to have a response from you thanks

Forgive my writing but is translated with google translator

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 29, 2017 by mitchellhumphreys (140 points)
QMix has been updated today. Just SL Remote to go now.
0 votes
answered Jul 29, 2017 by salvatoreesposito (210 points)
There is no update on my ipad, we hope so
0 votes
answered Jul 30, 2017 by salvatoreesposito (210 points)
PreSonus SL Remote di PreSonus Audio Electronics, Inc.

This is the app for iPad and this is not updatet to 64 bit

Please update this too