Questions & Answers

QMIX app causing StudioLive 16 to go full volume on Auxes

+1 vote
asked Jan 17, 2018 in StudioLive Series III by stuartwaller (230 points)
edited Jan 17, 2018 by stuartwaller
Having some issues with Qmix. After setting up permissions on the StudioLive 16 series III to allow access for band using Qmix. We decided to test it without the band being around. With some excitement we were in another room and decided to play around with it. The Aux channel we were playing with went to full volume and the foldback started feeding back.

It seems the initial touch of the "Me" wheel or in the other mode too seems to make that Aux go full volume. This would be really bad if someone had an IEM on. The demo mode works ok.

After the initial touch it seems to be ok. Are we doing something wrong? All firmware on console up to date. Qmix (iOS), UC Surface( iOS) all up to date.

Any info helpful as the Qmix feature is an awesome one. It just seemed unreliable and could damage someones hearing.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 8, 2018 by stuartwaller (230 points)
It's been over a month now with no responses. So it must be something I'm doing with the setup.

Can anyone out there at least confirm that they are using with absolutely no issues. Seems weird that I'm the only one with issues....