Questions & Answers

Baroque instruments sounds

+6 votes
asked Jul 22, 2017 in Notion Feature Requests by charles-andrpayet (220 points)

Could it be possible to add Baroque recorder family sounds such as

- Sopranino recorder (in F)

- Soprano recorder (in C)

- Alto recorder (in F)

- Tenor recorder (in C)

- Bass recorder (in F)

- SubBass recorder (in C)

Thank-you for your attention.


Charles-André PAYET

2 Answers

+2 votes
answered Jul 24, 2017 by TechSupport77 (195,990 points)
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

If anyone else agrees or disagrees, then please vote it up, or down. 

To vote:

In agreement click on the thumbs up.

In disagreement click on the thumbs down.

The developers pay close attention to those that are voted on the most. 

You are allowed one vote. 

Just viewing and agreeing but not clicking on the vote does not help the issue. 

Please click on one or the other. 

+3 votes
answered Jul 24, 2017 by TechSupport77 (195,990 points)
Being that this is more of a feature request, I will move this over to the Notion Feature Requests section of the PreSonus Answers system.  Thanks for all of your feedback.