Questions & Answers

Allow selection of multiple channels via the channel side bar in the mix window.

+3 votes
asked Jul 22, 2017 in Studio One 3 by aaroncampbell1 (2,380 points)
Currently, I cannot find a way if there is one to select multiple channels in the sidebar channel list in the mix window.  Yes, you can click one track and control+shift the last track in the actual channel fader area, or control+click, but you should also be able to do this in the smaller vertical channel/grouping window.  If you have a large session, it is inconvenient to click then scroll through the fader area.  Simply picking multiple tracks in the side bar window would be easier.  Also, you cannot select all channels in the fader area of the mix window with control+A.  This would be helpful at times as well.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jul 28, 2017 by LMike (14,690 points)
selected May 22, 2018 by AlexTinsley
Best answer

Not that it answers your FR but some of the questions.

In the Console:

  • Shift + End to select from where you are to the last channel
  • Shift + Home to select from where you are to the first channel
  • After doing either of the above hit the other to select all channels.
In the Arrange space, tracks:
  • Shift+CMD/CTL + End to select from where you are to the last track
  • Shift+CMD/CTL + Home to select from where you are to the last track
You can also make a "Select All" command with a macro.
  • Navigation | First Track
  • Navigation | Last Track Extend