Questions & Answers

What is the main reason a song does not play back once recorded using a version of studio one 2?

0 votes
asked Nov 3, 2015 in Studio One 3 by Doylerl (120 points)
What is the main reason a song does not play back once recorded using a version of studio one 2?

I recorded 20 songs 2 years ago. When I go to a song that was recorded at that time it will not play back when you hit the play button.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Nov 4, 2015 by matthewgorman (52,060 points)
Sometimes we will need more details to troubleshoot, however here are 2 quick things to look at.


First, make sure that you have a default audio device selected for playback (you will see a small interface at the bottom left of the mixer. if it has a red circle with a line through it, it means you have no device selected)


Second, make sure there are no missing files or devices if you have move the original location of the song.


Third, make sure you have the proper permissions to read/write on the drive that the song is on.