Just bought a new Presonus Studio 192 and it was a very sad surprise for me that Studio 192 dosen't have EQ/Comp/Gate/Limmiter on a DAW channel in UC Surface.
It is double time sad because there were such FX on me old VSL1818 in Virtual Studio Live!
I play a very small gigs most of a time, and S.192 is a super good option for me and my sound engineer.
I play different multichannel backing tracks from my DAW and for my sound engineer it's a wonderful thing to have flexible control on them just the same as he has on my vocal and guitar!
SL 192 is a flagman, and it's strange not to have such option as there were in previouse series.
I saw there was a question about General EQ, and it is very very sad that it's still not solved!
I'm beggin! Please, let it come true that Presonus Studio 192 will do have GEQ and eq/comp/lim/gate on DAW channels!