Hi. I just received my RM16ai, and although I'm almost certain that I'll be buying a CS18ai almost immediately, I am attempting to give the touchscreen idea a fair before doing so.
I have an Acer 27" 10-point multitouch monitor. My current dedicated audio PC is still running Win7 x64, and I'm running Win7's built-in touch driver as detected when I attached the monitor. I've installed the latest versions of UC Surface and the RM firmware.
What I've found so far is that I really can't reliably grab more than one or two faders and make a move; my success rate is about 70% with 3, and drops to near zero above that. It isn't 100% with even one or two faders. This isn't going to cut it in a live setting.
What it looks like to me is that at least part of my problem is that even a tiny bit of sideways finger motion causes the move to be interpreted as a sideways swipe, and starts trying to pan the fader display instead of moving the fader(s).
So my main three questions are:
1) Is it even worth fiddling with multi-touch in Windows7, or should I just update this PC to Win10 (I haven't looked yet, but I'm hoping/assuming that StudioOne 3 is or soon will be Win10 compatible).
2) Is there a way to hide excess channels, and/or lock the fader display in UC Surface, so that only the scroll bar moves it?
3) What, if any, Windows 7 'touch control panel' setting would make it less 'touchy' to gestures in the x-direction, without making intentional left-right scroll motions (like the Fat channel settings sliders) unduly unresponsive?
Thanks in advance for any advice,