Questions & Answers

UC Surface on iPad Times Out

+3 votes
asked Sep 30, 2017 in UC Surface / Qmix by wesjones2 (180 points)
Up until last night, my iPad would stay open when running UC Surface.. now suddenly it times out and blanks the screen. Doesn't always disconnect but i have to manually call it up again..

I have another iPad that is 'working' - i.e., the application keeps the ipad active and the screen stays on. They are different version ipads (Ipad2 vs Ipad Air 2) and the version of UCS is different - the one that times out has the most recent (Sept 17) version.

Has anyone seen this? I can't find much reference to the issue anywhere..


Wes Jones

2 Answers

+2 votes
answered Oct 2, 2017 by Tarmo1967 (450 points)
Same here. After last update UC Surface allows sleep (IPad Pro 2017). Please, repair it in next update or add button, which allows sleep or not. Problem is, after waking from sleep connection to mixer device (RML16AI in my case) will be not established. I see surface, but moving faders do nothing. Need to close UC Surface and start again.
+2 votes
answered Nov 15, 2017 by victorjas (180 points)

I have a StudioLive RML, UCsurface with an iPad Air 2, and have the same problem . After a wile it goes black, and have to close application and make make connection again (in particular when setting or using FX). 

Also when iPad goes to sleep, it wakes up, show you the faders but no response or levels showing. Again have re start application and takes time to connect...
