Questions & Answers

Can UC Surface 2.0 see and use the User layer of the SL Series 3 mixers?

+36 votes
asked Aug 24, 2017 in StudioLive Series III by michaelmccolley (790 points)
It does not appear that the User Layer created on the StudioLive 32 Series 3 mixer is "seen" by Universal Controller 2.0.  If I create a User Layer on the StudioLive 32 Series 3 that is very different than the locations of the actual inputs for the channels,  it is difficult to mix when UC has one view of the Main Mix,  but I am physically looking at another view when standing in front of the mixer.

Does UC have User Layer Access?   This sure would be handy.  :D

3 Answers

+5 votes
answered Mar 13, 2019 by jonnydoyle (403,680 points)
Best answer
This is a feature request and has already been raised, head to this link and vote it up.
+2 votes
answered Mar 9, 2019 by christianhermanson (180 points)

Hi, anyone has an answer to this? Does UC have User Layer Access? 

+2 votes
answered Jul 9, 2021 by austinrohm (310 points)
In case anyone is still checking these, don't wait around for the User layer to be added to UC Surface. Just utilize DCA Groups to view smaller, custom sections of your mix.
