Questions & Answers

stop this?

0 votes
asked Sep 2, 2017 in AudioBox USB by davidgriffin7 (150 points)
When i plugged my headphones into the AudioBox iTwo the only sound that comes out is popping/electronic pulses. I Am also having trouble with recording, when i press record and try speaking into the mic it does not record any sound whatsoever. Please help.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 5, 2017 by butchrichard (131,350 points)
Best answer
Ensure that you have installed the current device drivers.

Turn the Mixer Dial all the way to the left.  You will hear only input audio.  Noise ?

Turn the Mixer Dial all the way to the right.  You will hear only computer playback audio.  Test playback with iTunes and or YouTube.  Noise ?

You might also test your AudioBox on another computer so to determine if it will have the same issues or not.

Every computer is different tho.  Contact PreSonus Support for further assistance.