Questions & Answers

What is the best OS for Studio One?

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asked Sep 7, 2017 in Studio One 3 by uccpcdo (170 points)

Good Day Presonus Audio Electronics Team, We would like to ask if which OS is better for Studio One 3 Artist. I've read your support forum in your website it seem's Studio One can run on both OS We also read forums but it confuse me more due to the debates they had for which OS is better for Studio one. We had a Studiolive 24.4.2AI. Hoping for your response. Thank you.

1 Answer

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answered Sep 8, 2017 by TechSupport77 (195,990 points)
Best answer
Studio One should run just as well on Windows as it will on a Mac.  One thing to consider is that Apple computers are standardized in reference to the hardware components that are put into building the machine.  If you are not that tech-savvy and are not comfortable with building your own PC, or you are not that versed with the different companies that make computer components in order to make an informed decision, you may want to go with a Mac, due to it's standardization and brand equity.  Also some companies add a lot of "Bloat-ware" to the Windows OS and you need to tailor the operating system a bit.  You will want to take a look at the following link to the StudioLive 24.4.2AI driver and verify that the operating system that you choose is compatible with that device.  (Version of Mac or Windows)

Here is a link to the Studio One version 3 Tech Specs.
asked Sep 9, 2017 in Studio One 3 by uccpcdo (170 points) Studio One 3 specs for a PC?