Questions & Answers

Wich midi controller is best suited to use with studio one 3 pro

0 votes
asked Jul 25, 2017 in Studio One 3 by jonas0690 (150 points)
I'm looking to buy a midi controller keyboard, is there a brand wich is more compatible with studio one 3, i heard that native instrument keys are more likely to control their products ??


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 27, 2017 by Jamesrhone1 (200,340 points)
Best answer
Can't really say there's one that's better than any other. Keybeds are different. And surface controls needs can make another layer of complexity.

I say go to a music store Pro Audio department and physically play on as many different controllers until you find one that feels best to you and your budget and go with that.

If you are using a lot of Native Instrument plug-ins, then one of their controllers would be a good choice.

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