Questions & Answers

Why would I not hear sound over my computer speaker when playing one of the demo sessions in Studio One?

0 votes
asked Nov 7, 2015 in Studio One 2 by stanturner (150 points)
I installed Studio One Artist 2 on a MacBook. When I open one of the installed demo sessions, I can see that the song is playing, but I am not getting any sound over the computer speaker. The computer is not connected to the mixer board. I have confirmed that the audio is working on the computer.

1 Answer

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answered May 19, 2017 by lawrencefarr (221,490 points)
Best answer
If you are playing audio through USB speakers connected to your system set Preferences > Audio Setup > Audio Device  audio device tab "Playback Device" to those speakers.   They should show up there to chose directly.

If your speakers are connected otherwise like to a headphone output via 1/8th inch cable, choose "Built In Audio" in that screen.