Questions & Answers

Macro Button is not showing and there is no macros folder in my S1 folder and no " commandbar.xml file.

0 votes
asked Sep 17, 2017 in Studio One 2 by keiffermarino (200 points)
Macro button is does not show and cannot add buttons using the right mouse button.  Could not locate the folder listed above.

I have a Dell All in One, with I5 processor.  HD 23" screen.  All other functions appear to work.  I am using an Audiobox 1818 interface. I have version 2.6.5

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Sep 19, 2017 by TechSupport77 (195,990 points)
selected Oct 26, 2017 by keiffermarino
Best answer

Unlike Studio One 3, with Studio One version 2, you actually need to install the macro toolbar from Exchange.  If you open Studio One 2 and load a song, you can find Exchange under the "Files" tab in the Browser window.  You can install the macro toolbar from there.  If you still continue to have an issue, try re-installing Studio One and remove your settings files.  Once you remove your settings files, you can try installing the toolbar once more. Below you will find instructions for removing the settings files.

  1. Go to Help>Open Settings folder.

  2. Copy the contents of the folder over to a folder on your desktop.

  3. Close S1 and delete the contents of the settings folder with the exception of the user.license file as well as the "Extensions" folder.

  4. Open S1 and go to Studio One>Options (Preferences on a Mac) to reconfigure your settings.

  5. Test to see if the problem is resolved. If it is not, please feel free to copy your settings files back over from the backup that you created in step 2.

*If you are missing presets or Sound Sets after doing this, simply double-click one of your Sound Sets under Documents>Studio One>Sound Sets.

If you continue to have an issue, please submit a support request from within your account.  Just click the "Support" tab.

0 votes
answered Oct 26, 2017 by keiffermarino (200 points)

Fantastic.  This was exactly the answer that I needed and solved my missing Macro button Issue.  Sorry for the late response.

Thanks for the support!

