Questions & Answers

Quantum (with 2 dp88) and StudioLive CS18AI integration

+2 votes
asked Sep 19, 2017 in Thunderbolt - Quantum by xytrouble07 (870 points)
Hey everyone! I know the Quantum has been out for only a couple of months but wanted to know if the following I am about to ask is even possible. I am slowly moving from Pro Tools to Studio One 3 for a variety of reasons, but simply put Studio One is just a far superior coded piece of software than Pro Tools has been for me for the past 10 years. I think folks who have extensively used Pro Tools can relate to that.

Anyways, upon research and research of trying to finding a the perfect system for my studio I concluded that Presonus pretty much has everything I am looking for, and it kills me inside because I like giving as many companies a try as possible. I was on a studiolive 1602 for years before I went to the Focusrite Clarett 8prex back to Presonus with the Quantum, because the drivers for the Clarett 8prex were just a nightmare.

What I ultiamtely want is

The StudioLive CS18AI with a Quantum and a pair of dp88s.

Does the StudioLive CS18AI integrate well with those two units. I think it would be pretty neat to be able to control the pre amps of the units through the StudioLive CS18AI so I would only have to go to one place for the 24 inputs. I noticed it has a pre amp knob which to my assumption it work by selecting each channel and controlling it through there.

I am assuming it could be possible since we can already control the quantum and the dp88 through Studio One 3, why not be able to add that feature to the StudioLive CS18AI, which then will make this whole system a full fledged recording console if you really think about it.

My apologies for the long post, but I'm just a very excited about that possibility.

1 Answer

–1 vote
answered Sep 27, 2017 by Michael Martin (89,010 points)
Best answer
The CS18 is a DAW Control surface ONLY when used with Studio One.

The CS18 inputs are only accessed via AVB network connection with a RM / RML mixer.