Questions & Answers

Have Quantum and want 8 channel adat expansion so would a Studio 1824c work / be as effective as a DP88?

0 votes
asked Jun 6, 2021 in Thunderbolt - Quantum by ojpbavjq (120 points)
edited Jun 7, 2021 by ojpbavjq
Is there an updated equivalent to the DP88 out there / in the works? I like the front panel of the Quantum, the DP88 and Studio 1824c. The Studio 1824c is a lot cheaper than buying another Quantum if I don't need the thunderbolt because using ADAT. Are the Quantum and 1824c compatible for this purpose? If so are there any down grades in quality in the Studio 1824c in terms of converters and preamps from the Quantum?

Many thanks,


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 29, 2021 by lm1 (530 points)
Same converters as the 2626 but as two separate products.

1U 16 Channel ADC over ADAT

1U 16 Channel DAC over ADAT

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