Questions & Answers

how to uninstall mp3 converter

0 votes
asked Sep 26, 2017 in Studio One 3 by jacobtwiselton (210 points)
hi ive done this before.
ive asked on why my mp3 converter wont work and how i could fix this issue.
one opf you guys said i need to unistall and re-install the converter but im just wondering on how to actually properly uninstall the converter and re install it

1 Answer

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answered Sep 28, 2017 by TechSupport77 (195,990 points)
Best answer
Hi Jacob,

Here is what you will want to do:

1.  Open Studio One and go into Help>Open Settings Folder.

2.  Close Studio One.

3.  Inside the settings folder, there is a folder named "Extensions."  Delete the mp3 Converter from the Extensions folder.

4.  Restart Studio One and go into Studio One>Studio One Installation.  Install the MP3 Converter once more and it should be working for you.  If it is not, repeat the above steps but this time log into your account and download the Converter from there.  It will be under My Products>Add-ons.  Double-click to install.