Questions & Answers

File tempo of wav files - how to disable/delete?

0 votes
asked Sep 26, 2017 in Studio One 3 by justinmeyer (3,020 points)

A while ago I recorded samples using Studio One 3.
(Via Digital-In from my Soundcard - a synthesizer was connected.)
Since the project BPM was 60.00, the wav files have a file tempo of 60.
Now I want to remove the 60.00.
When I mark all events, it's possible to set the BPM to NONE (either in Inspector or by right-clicking.)

Ok, but when I now export the samples (by right-click -> event -> export selection),
it seems that the file tempo is still there.
When I import the exported wav files, it says again 60.00, not NONE.

I downloaded some samples from the Internet and imported then.
Their file tempo is NONE.

How can I set the file tempo of my samples to NONE??

P.S: I could not find any helpful information in the reference manual.

Thanks for any help

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Sep 26, 2017 by lawrencefarr (221,510 points)
Best answer

That may not be possible currently in Studio One with *.wav renders.  Try exporting as FLAC, a lossless format, which shouldn't result in a tempo stamp, assuming whatever you plan to do with the file can use FLAC.   Or export FLAC and then render it to wav in a standalone editor that doesn't stamp the file with a tempo.
–1 vote
answered Sep 26, 2017 by justinmeyer (3,020 points)

Hello and thank you for your fast reply.
Exporting all the files as FLAC might be time-expensive.
(I could use Audacity's batch, though.)

My other idea was to check the HEX codes of the wav files,
but strangely, I could not find any tempo information.
Tempo 197 should be C5, but there was nothing...

Anyway, I think the (wrong) tempo information won't be a problem at all.
I use Kontakt 5, paste my desired samples inside of it and save it as nki + Studio 1 preset.
When playing the sounds with Kontakt 5, it doesn't matter what the project BPM is - they always sound the same.

So I think I can live with that small issue.
But if anybody knows how to change the wav tags, s/he can feel free to post it.

Thanks anyway!


I just have to be careful when exporting the wav files.

If I change the BPM and then export a wav file, it will sound different when adding it in Kontakt 5.

For this reason I set the tempo to NONE (even though it's not valid anymore when importing the wav file again.)

0 votes
answered Oct 12, 2022 by kshonn (140 points)
In S.One 6 it is possible. Not simple like in Logic, but not complicated too. You need to:

1. Go to Preferences → Advanced

2. Uncheck "Record tempo information to audio files".

3. Select audio clip (event) you want to remove tempo information from.

4. Right Click - in context menu in Tempo box write "Not Set"

5. Bounce clip (event) [Ctrl+B (Win) or Cmd+ B (Mac)]

6. Because of uncheck writing tempo info to file first, after bounce you'll get new file without tempo information.