Questions & Answers

Better Naming Control for mono WAV files when splitting from multi channel WAV file

+1 vote
asked Apr 10, 2024 in Editing by tobiashauk (130 points)

Use-Case / Background:

We use a X32 with on-board SD card recorder to record our sessions (live / rehearsals). As a result we get multiple WAV files that contain all recorded channels. We have to split up this file, to get individual files for further processing. There is a cool feature in Studio One in the built-in file browser, where you can choose right click "Split into mono files".

Actual Issue:

In the past, when I selected "Split into mono files" on a multi channel WAV file, Studio One would create a mono wave file per channel, naming them with a number from 1...n

ExampleRecording.wav --> ExampleRecording-1.wav; ExampleRecording-2.wav; ExampleRecording-3.wav (and so on....)

Recently with the update to 6.6 I realized that the naming pattern changed, and now Studio One uses speaker configuration names for the files - like in a surround environment: L, R, C, LFE, and so on...
According to the documentation, this is the default for surround files - and in case Studio One does not recognize the speaking configuration in a given file, it will fall back to the numbering pattern. However, in my case that does not work.

My feature request:

As a user, I would like to have the ability to control whether StudioOne uses the number sequencing pattern for my file OR the speaker naming pattern.

Thanks and greetings,
