Questions & Answers

Am I using the correct interface for recording guitars direct?

+1 vote
asked Nov 10, 2015 in FireStudio Series by shawnmccullough (160 points)
I am using the Presonus Firestudio interface and running the guitar direct. I am using Studio One Pro DAW as well. We are using Amplitube 4 plugin for our sound. I understand eq is a major part of shaping the guitar sound but I am concerned with how weak the guitars sound. We run the guitar volume all the way up and I set the channel volume on the interface so it does not clip. The guitars have new strings and batteries. I am fairly new to home recording, my question is, am I missing something or using the incorrect equipment for direct line recording?

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Nov 19, 2015 by cristofechabot (1,940 points)
selected Dec 12, 2015 by AlexTinsley
Best answer

"FWIW, I have always preferred the gain when using a direct box, and going into the interface via xlr from the DI."

I agree a good DI can make a world of difference. It's an especially good idea in this case as the OP stated that:

"The guitars have new strings and batteries."

Which, to me, indicates that the OP is using active pickups. It's been my experience that a DI is ESSENTIAL when using active pups.

+1 vote
answered Nov 10, 2015 by matthewgorman (52,060 points)
Are you plugging in to the instrument jacks (1 and 2), or one of the others. The jacks look the same, but behave differently. 1 and 2 1/4" jacks are for instruments, and allow gain adjustments on the preamps. the rest of the input 1/4" jacks are line inputs, and bypass the preamps.


FWIW, I have always preferred the gain when using a direct box, and going into the interface via xlr from the DI.