Questions & Answers

demo full version problem (Need Help!)

0 votes
asked Aug 30, 2017 in Studio One 3 by quinnaho (210 points)
I got Audio Box usb in December Which it says it came with the FULL VERSION of studio one. Now in august it says it is a demo and need to type in a activation code being it 8 months I didn't know where my previous activation code is in my house is. Being that it was the full version I assumed it didn't need it. please help!

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Aug 30, 2017 by lawrencefarr (221,510 points)
Best answer


Your AudioBox came with a Studio One 3 Artist license which was placed in your user account last December when you registered the AudioBox.   

To activate the Studio One 3 license follow the steps below...

1.  Go to menu Studio One > Studio One Activation

*** If you've never run Studio One on this system before it may launch directly into a log in screen.  If so, be sure to log in with the credentials for this user account or activation will not work. Step 3 below will not list your product. ***

2. Check the option ... "Activate my purchased version of Studio One" that dialog.

Do not check the box "I have purchased an upgrade of Studio One".  

3. Click the downward facing arrow on the right edge of the list field there to refresh your product keys listing with "Show My Existing Product Keys".   This will retrieve your registered products from your user account.

4. Select Studio One 3 Artist from the refreshed list and click "Activate" and it will activate the new license and restart as Studio One 3 Artist.
