I love the quick addition of inserts using the "Add Insert" command, but unfortunately it doesn't exclude hidden plugins from the drop-down-menu.
I mainly want to use the VST3-versions of plugins - if available - and since the VST2-versions are also shown, I have to type the name twice or even more often to jump to the different versions, which gets a little annoying.
Another useful addition to the "Add Inserts"-command would be if the search would allow for partial hits and not necessarily start from the first letter. Example, I can't type "mpressor", but have to type "elysia" and then move to the "elysia mpressor"-plugin, using the arrow keys.
It would also be great if the drop down appeared under the mouse cursor and not in the middle of the screen, preferably as an option. (Also applies to "Add bus", "Add FX Channel", etc.)