Questions & Answers

Midi/Audio bug with certain tempos

0 votes
asked Oct 24, 2017 in Studio One 3 by hanneslindberg1 (150 points)
Hello, i have a bug with Studio One when i press play at the start of the song and it starts playing sometimes the audio cuts out or the midi doesnt trigger, these bugs has come when i have used 90 bpm and 130 bpm, if i change the bpm to 90.01 it doesnt bug anymore and it's the same thing with 130 bpm, why is this happening? this wasn't a problem when i used previous versions of Studio One. Anyone else have/had these issues? I have read some posts and it seems to be alot of problems with midi stuff...

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 25, 2017 by lawrencefarr (221,450 points)
Best answer


If you are referring to midi notes dropping out in 3.5.2 we are aware of this issue and it’s being addressed.   We appreciate your patience.  In the interim, you can always download and install 3.5.1 again from your user account, the Previous Versions link shown below.  
