Questions & Answers

Is it possible to roll back to a previous Studio One 3.x update?

+3 votes
asked Oct 29, 2017 in Studio One 3 by (1,300 points)
As stated in a question I previously posted, the latest update of Studio One (version has trouble triggering notes in the piano roll.  This affects all instruments, including bundled instruments (such as Sample One) and 3rd party instruments (such as A.N.A.).  The issue renders the version of Studio One unusable, so I am hoping to roll back to the previous version, which worked, fine.  If it's possible, guidance to do so would be very much appreciated.  Thanks!

3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Oct 29, 2017 by donaldbaarns (9,880 points)
selected Oct 29, 2017 by
Best answer

Pretty easy:

Go to your PreSonus account.
Find S1 in the Software section.
Go to the Details
Locate the link to the "Previous Versions" and it provides a list to select the version you want to download.

Install the previous version in another folder, and you can have both running at once (start the one you want).
Or overwrite your previous installation.

Next time there is an update, install in another folder (or the folder that has the 3.5.2.x version that doesn't work for you now), and you'll have both versions on your machine at once (recommended for updates...)


0 votes
answered Oct 29, 2017 by (1,300 points)
Sounds like a plan, donaldbaarns.  Thank you for your clear and easy-to-follow answer.  Doing it, as we speak (well... not literally, but you know what I mean)!
0 votes
answered Oct 31, 2017 by kimdiez (140 points)
edited Oct 31, 2017 by kimdiez
That's good to know that you can revert back to one of the older versions but, I think Presonus should have personally answered this and  should also solve the problem. I started with The free Studio One Primer, then within a week (liked it so much) bought Studio One 3 Artist, then within another week bought Studio One Professional,  the latest version also. So far so good, but I'm all new to DAW recording but picking it up pretty quickly but I did have a lot of questions answered by phone from the guy that sold me Studio One Pro. which Presonus want do unless  you buy expensive hardware from them.(true) I think I'm gonna join a Studio One forum on FB pretty soon to be able to talk with other beginners at DAW recording that uses Presonus Studio One. Oh yeah, I bought the Presonus original FaderPort to at least have some hands on a chanell fader and transport, its very cool and motorized and does lots of things for as small and cheap as it cost me !!  They changed the way the latency stuff works and that's taking me a little while to get a grip on it and I WANT record with latency period !!  I was first using Presonus AudioBox USB (outdated now) and wound up with a Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 (MIDI in/out) 2nd generation (lower latency)  interface and love it but man I about pulled my hair out getting it installed !!  I'm sure Presonus's 2nd generation interfaces are faster also now to keep up with Studio One.......Ok I'll shut up for now lol !!                                                              Kim  :-)