Questions & Answers

SD recording on SL III 24

+3 votes
asked Oct 31, 2017 in StudioLive Series III by tomlevin1 (290 points)
Studiolive 24 series III: SD recording questions using 32 gb Sandisk card formatted using the recommended app

1- After recording and saving about 30 minutes of multi channel data, I save the files and confirmed playback on the board. When transferring the disk to my mac laptop, the data files on the disk have incorrect dates attached to them. Sometimes its Jan 20, 1980 and other files are dec 31, 2097

2-when trying to load the session into Studio One, I cant drag and drop. The only way Ive been able to get any files into the desktop is to manually import the wave files. I dont have any track names or EQ settings in any of the channels. Double clicking on there .scene file does nothing. Double clicking the .capture file imports the un-named tracks

Any ideas., Thanks

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 26, 2020 by jonnydoyle (403,740 points)
Best answer
There is no time coding added to the SD card as there is no clock in the mixer to add this.
+1 vote
answered Nov 20, 2020 by bencuthbert (390 points)
I don't have an answer for #1, but I believe I read elsewhere that the board doesn't have an RTC to keep track of the date/time.

As for #2 it doesn't appear to be possible "out of the box".  For some reason the SD capture is slightly different than a Capture 3 capture.  It should be possible to update Studio One to support the files on the SD card, and/or to update StudioLive to create files on the SD card that conform to how Capture 3 creates them.

It is possible to convert the SD card .caputure/.scn/.cnfg to a more Capture 3 compliant .capture/.scene