That, (ex\tremely poor manuals and help available) is the hallmark of many DAW's , not so with Studio one. Probably one of the BEST manuals out there IMHO, but that is only a TINY part of the Studio one experience! We have a real treasure available in Johnny Gieb, who has put up his "Home studio trainer.:
This isn't just a fanboy sight, he offers one on one training, video's seminars.... FABULOUS resource! (ya I'm his fanboy!)
There are literally HUNDREDS of youtube vids, Video's done by Presonus, a SUPER Studio one forum with a wealth of knowledgeable people there for help AND a super Knowledge base FULL of articles, tips and tricks:
The BEST thing though is, it's a streamlined, easy to use,intuitive DAW if your familiar drag and drop productivity.
you can also contact Tech support for help... try THAT with any other DAW...