Questions & Answers

Upgrade SO 3 Artist to SO3 Prof - what about just bought plugins

+2 votes
asked Nov 24, 2017 in Studio One 3 by piotrmynarski (350 points)

I have SO3 Artist and I bought a few plugins ex mp3 converter or VST Extension. I would like to make an upgrade from Artist to Professional (Black friday discount 50%) but I wonder If I can count on any additionall discount regarding just bought plugins which are already included in SO3 Prof. or some possibility of  some return for those plugins.

Would be very nice

Best regards


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 27, 2017 by andrei_tuduran (510 points)
Same question here.

I have SO3 Artis with VST & MP3 converter support and looking to upgrade to Professional version.

This type of users, can have like a custom upgrade path because the upgrade cost is insane? Also the upgrade path from SO 2 to SO3 Pro is way cheaper.  

